Balanced Body Massage and Yoga
Massage Therapy & Yoga in Moab,Utah

Yoga River Trips

Grab your girlfriends for a 6-day excursion on the wild and free Colorado River through southern Utah’s Cataract Canyon in the heart of Canyonlands National Park with the talented Breann Davis & Samantha Studley. Bre and Sam are certified yoga instructors, licensed massage therapists, and avid adventure seekers. This excursion offers a balanced blend of wilderness, whitewater, wellness, and women’s empowerment. 

What sets us apart? Daily yoga, gluten-free meals, mindful meditations, canyon hiking, personal small crafts to navigate your own individual journey with support and love from the fellow females around you. Each day will begin with yoga before breakfast, followed by an exciting day on the water, possible hiking, and deliciously satisfying meals. In the evenings we’ll gather beside the river for a gentle yoga practice and/or mindfulness meditation to absorb the experience and let all the wonder sink in. Evenings are spent camping on sandy beaches beneath the Milky Way in an International Dark Sky Park.

Explore self-care practices along the river with the guidance from two knowledgeable and passionate bodyworkers. Bre and Sam will share the art of Thai massage, acupressure, and Reflexology throughout your wilderness adventure retreat. Join us in learning something new about yourself and the magnificence of these ancient canyons, immersing yourself in the unknown.

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